Product Center > Adaptive Touch Integrated Display Module

Adaptive Touch Integrated Display Module

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① Full-color panel display

      Rich display colors

      Support full-color patterns

② Integrated touch frame

      Respond above the product surface from a distance of 4mm, no need for additional integrated touch frames

      Support LED light position touch

      If additional integrated springs, PCBs, touch films and other touch frames are added, higher air touch response can be achieved.

③ Communication Interaction

      Equipped with I²C communication interface

      Support UART communication

      Rich bidirectional CMOS GPIO ports, can complete other function communication and interaction

      With various interrupt sources such as high-speed and low-speed clocks, external interrupts, timer interrupts, communication interrupts, etc.

④ Integrated LED Driver Function

      Support high-current LED switch driving

      Integrated PWM module, support LED brightness adjustment

⑤ Integrated Microcontrol Unit

      Integrate an industrial-grade Flash microcontroller based on the 8051 core

      Internal RAM — 256 bytes

      External RAM — 2K bytes

      Flash ROM — 32K bytes

      EEPROM — 28 bytes

      NVR — 512 bytes